I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead; I lift my eyes and all is born again

--Sylvia Plath

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sexless in the city

All things tacky and delicious from my personal experiences in New York.

Sunday, April 29, 2007

A Tree Grows in Brooklyn

Or rather, many cherry blossoms grow in Brooklyn. The Brooklyn Botanic Garden had a Cherry Blossom festival today and of course everyone in Brooklyn showed up. I used my student ID to get the $4 discount, which I feel slightly guilty about. Slightly. Cherry Blossoms were in full bloom. I couldn't see any of the performances, because all of Brooklyn was in the way. So, I roamed around looking at random things like Sushi Pillows. As I was leaving I saw a girl that I had gone out with a few times. I think she has a girl crush on me. I have had a few girls crush on me in the past, and it usually doesn't end up pretty. She's a nice girl, but not very interesting. She quotes rabbis on a regular basis, and she's not even Jewish. The first time I met her, she asked me to guess her nationality. I guessed Italian and she was disappointed that I didn't guess Jewish. She is Italian but wants to look Jewish for some reason. After the BBG, I went to enjoy a Chocolate Stout Float from The Chocolate Room. It's created with Brooklyn Brewery's Chocolate Stout Beer and Vanilla Ice Cream. That's right honey. Beer + Ice Cream. It was interesting. I wouldn't say it was delicious, but interesting.


Blogger fifi said...

Rabbi Perlman really likes your blog. Not that he's stalking you either. I'm just saying, he likes it. Once, when he was looking at a bid screen TV, he said, "Oy vey, the clarity." I think he'd say the same about this post.

Sorry I missed the beer floats. I'd like to have been there. And to join you & the rest of Brooklyn for the flowers. And the world's largest group sneeze.

9:31 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

beer and ice cream. sick.

1:14 PM  

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