I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead; I lift my eyes and all is born again

--Sylvia Plath

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sexless in the city

All things tacky and delicious from my personal experiences in New York.

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

House Cleaning

You'd be surprised what you will find at the bottom of your drawers, during a house cleaning. I'll tell you what I found: old pictures of me smiling happily in the arms of my ex-boyfriend (Peter), old postcards which proclaimed confessions of love and personal jokes, and hand drawn pictures of me and other objects (Chris). The postcard I found from Peter was dated September 2004. Its been 3 years since he last loved me. When I came across these artifacts I thought about throwing them away. It felt good to be at that place, because part of the reason these objects were hidden, was because I couldn't bear to see me so happy with someone who told me to my face that he didn't love me. Correction: Peter's mom decided he didn't love me, and that I will believe until the day I die.

My have I grown. And though, it hasn't even been two months since the Chris debacle, I was ready to toss out his drawings as well. The situation was painful at first, but once you realize someone was so full of shit, its really hard to maintain any sentimentality toward any of the things he said or did for me. I'm not going to lie, its been slightly difficult for me to deal with the dissolution of our friendship/whatever the fuck it was. There are times when I really miss talking to him, and felt that we were perfect for each other. But, that has all been shaded by the inferior piece of single mom white trash he decided was worth more than me. No matter what, I'm always going to see it that way. He traded me for her, and thought it was worth the risk of losing my friendship and place in his life. And to me, he will remain the biggest idiot I've ever been dated/or whatever the fuck(ed).


Anonymous Anonymous said...

yeah, chris was a jackass, but i still sense of a tone of bitterness in your words. i thought this blog was going to be more about me. once again, im left feeling empty inside. thanks.

1:33 PM  
Blogger cherie said...

slightly bitter, not full blown. bitter and cynical is okay. and im sorry what were talking about sparked this blog, but it was less about you.

1:45 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

sweetheart, EVERYTHING is about me.

8:45 PM  
Blogger cherie said...

the day you blog about me...then we'll talk. you are all about you, and i'm all about me. and never shall we meet in the middle. you get random mentionings and that's the best i can do.

9:47 PM  

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