A weekend in Massachusetts

A weekend in Massachusetts is exactly what I needed. We got into Boston around midnight and went straight to bed (sleeping bags on the floor). On Saturday we didn't go to Maine, because it was a four hour trip, but instead went to Topsfield-a suburb of Boston. Jesse, the guy we were staying with has a mother who reads Tarot Cards. Naturally, on the cusp of a large life decision and so close to Salem, I thought I would go ahead and let her read mine. She revealed some very interesting things. She told me that I have a major shake up in my life coming. Its going to change everything for me, and its going to take a lot of hard work to rebuild my life after this shake up. She told me that I have to know that I have the tools and the ability to do "this". She also said it is key for me to have confidence in myself and to remind myself that I can do it. She said that it is a very positive thing and that it may be hard at first to see the silver lining but its there. She also said that I may feel comfortable in my current situation but that this change is necessary and it is career related. I told her that I was sort of on the brink of a major decision in my life about where to live and she said that she feels that whatever this is would happen regardless. I also asked a silent question which I didn't say out loud--"Will I get married?" Though, she didn't hear the question, she told me that the cards say "probably yes". The answer is most likely yes, but that I have a lot of internal stuff I have to work out right now. She said that right now its me time. It was a surprisingly emotional experience and though I don't normally believe in that kind of stuff, it seemed pretty right on.
After the reading, we went on a sailboat and sailed in Manchester-by-the-Sea a very exclusive area in Mass. It was amazing. Sailing is a lot of work and a lot of fun. After our sailing adventure, we had a bowl of clam chowder and fried clams. We went back to the house afterwards and went right to bed. Sailing is exhaustive! On Sunday, we had a late breakfast and went into the Quincy market and walked around the North End of Boston. We were only there for about an hour, and I didn't get to make out with a red-haired Irish boy. I'll get to that next time.
well dear, per the tarrot card reader, it sounds like there may not be a next time in boston. i usually have much more respect for you. but resting your fate in the hands of a crazy card reader...thats a new low.
You want a red-haired Irish boy? I know of one you can have.
honey, the card reader was talking about a major positive change in my career-not the end of my life. and as for the red haired irish boy--yes, I do want one.
That's my Momma your talking about. Only I call her a crazy card reader.
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