I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead; I lift my eyes and all is born again

--Sylvia Plath

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sexless in the city

All things tacky and delicious from my personal experiences in New York.

Tuesday, October 02, 2007

Mysteries of Friendship

Let's talk about friends shall we? While I was in the bay area, I met with a friend of mine whose wedding I was in last year. We had a bit of a fallout having to do with my stupid behavior. Nothing huge, but it caused a bit of drama between us. As a result, we haven't really talked since then. Until recently. I wanted to meet with her while I was up in San Jose, because she lives there. We made a plan, and had drinks. It was slightly awkward. We had some things to talk about because it had been a while. I spoke about my interviews and career. She spoke about getting knocked up in a year and wanting to be a mother. Let's put it this way, if this had been a first date, I wouldn't have called back for a second.

Which brings me to another point. I have a friend who has been knocked up twice, is married, and lives in the heart of the South. Yet, I repeatedly call her back for more dates. I can't get enough of her. If we were dating, I'd be jocking her big time. So, I can't really attribute my bad friend-date to "drifting apart". So, I'm left wondering what makes some people friends for the long haul and others not? My friend in the South never calls me. But, I don't mind at all. I have people who call me a friend and never pick up the phone, which is total bullshit. I have friends I rarely call, but when I talk to them its like no time has passed at all. I think it would be fair to say that most of friends are not at all in the same place in their lives as I am, and yet we are still close.

I make very clearly definitions between friendship and acquaintances and I am a believer that one cannot ever truly be friends with their ex. Last night, after going to a gallery opening, I launched into a conversation about my greedy vagina who loves big dicks. Could I really say this to an ex? No. But then again, they already know what my vagina loves...


Blogger Shawn said...

good blog. although, im not quite sure im happy about not being mentioned in the friendship blog.

8:01 PM  
Blogger cherie said...

Excuse me, you are the person that I was referring to about how we don't talk on the phone but it feels like time hasn't passed. A thin disguise, I know.

I realize I forgot to mention Myspace friends and e-friends. Those deserve to be mentioned because thats a whole different category of friendships-those are the friends you don't ever see or some cases, haven't met, but still talk to electronically. Which is fine too.

7:41 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

I think you need to evaluate what you expect from your friendships. Are you expecting too much?

12:07 PM  
Blogger cherie said...


12:15 PM  

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