Goodbye New York!
I'm going home for 10 days and I am really excited. I'm so tired of all these people. I love New York but there's people everywhere. On the train I'm up against strangers, in the department store people are bumping into you a million times, at the restaurant the tables are literally 2 inches away from each other and its not uncommon to have buttocks in your face as people are trying to squeeze through. This is the life. So, its nice to have a break from New York for a bit. I can't decide if I will ever live elsewhere. Sometimes I see myself going back to California in 7 years, but part of me knows that New York is a hard city to live in but its also hard to leave. My view of other cities are already colored. San Francisco once enchanted me, and now it bores me. I've also gotten used to the change in weather that is rarely if ever seen in Southern California. I have a long time to think about this.
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