I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead; I lift my eyes and all is born again

--Sylvia Plath

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sexless in the city

All things tacky and delicious from my personal experiences in New York.

Saturday, December 16, 2006

Vaginas and Champagne Cocktails

What started as a post-work Friday drink with some girls from work turned into the vagina monologues. It started when one of the girls told us she used to have three vaginas as a result of being a DES daughter. She described one as a pocket and the other as an actual vagina. Following that gem of a story was an admission from another girl to having genital herpes. Those of you who know me, know my fascination with herpes. Of course I pumped her for information. She said the first two outbreaks was something she wouldn't wish on her worst enemy. She also said the rest of the outbreaks aren't too bad and when she feels it coming on, she just rests and lays down. She has a live in boyfriend who she has been with for 3 years. She said she got it from a one night stand. She also said that typically you feel it coming on and you avoid sex during those times, but otherwise her doctor said she doesn't have to tell anyone she has it, because the transmission rate is low when she's not feeling sick. Scary. Following the monologues I headed over to the park avenue cafe with some old friends from Conneticut and had really delicious food. After 8:30, you get an appetizer, entree, and dessert for the price of your age. I had a dish with black truffle for the first time and it was delicious. Heading to the city to watch a flamenco performance at a restaurant tonight.


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