I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead; I lift my eyes and all is born again

--Sylvia Plath

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sexless in the city

All things tacky and delicious from my personal experiences in New York.

Thursday, December 14, 2006


So a really uncomfortable situation happened at work today. My creative lead met with me and two other people and gave us his vision for a prototype. He was very clear about what he wanted. The project then went to visual design and suddenly things weren't where they were supposed to be. Each team has someone from marketing, copywriting, visual design and a user interface designer. I recognized that the visual design didn't match what we had talked about. I mentioned a couple of things regarding this and I was ignored. I also didn't mention things when I should of have. When our creative lead came back from Boston, he had an early morning meeting with us to figure out why things got messed up. It wasn't a horrible mess luckily. I asked him later if it was my fault, and he said he blamed the whole team. He wasn't upset or anything, but I felt really bad. I didn't have the confidence to speak up when I should have and when I did mention some things no one listened. Overall, I still felt that I contributed to that project, but I just need to work on being confident and comfortable in my role. Things have gotten a little better at work, I'm starting to grasp my job better. I really enjoy working in teams. I find that when your project manager sucks, its all down hill. I'm buying a dress this weekend for our holiday party being held at Cipriani.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i just realized something. your blog title isnt exactly the "play on words" you were going for.

the show is called, "sex AND the city", not sex IN the city.

but no doubt you will blame the project manager for this mistake too.

12:27 PM  

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