I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead; I lift my eyes and all is born again

--Sylvia Plath

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sexless in the city

All things tacky and delicious from my personal experiences in New York.

Sunday, May 06, 2007

Burning Bridges

I feel like I've been burning my bridges big time lately. I've made my last and final attempt to contact my friend in Georgia. I have called her twice and text messaged with no response. I finally sent her an email today and decided that this would be the final step. I also deleted another close friend's myspace today. Which I felt really guilty about later on, so I messaged her telling her it was an accident. I haven't talked to her since she informed me that she didn't bring me a Guinness shirt from Ireland. I'm sort of not talking to my friend here in Brooklyn either. The list goes on. I've always considered myself a good friend, at this point, I'm thinking I'm more of an asshole than a friend. An asshole who drives those close to me a way. These are people I've known for at least 5 years. I feel sort of bad about the whole thing. I wish I could control myself better when it comes to these matters. I'm thinking of deleting my myspace account, because it has contributed more to drama than it does help. Once you've held a spot in the coveted "Top 8", one can't help but be offended when they are no longer in the Top 8. Its juvenile, I know.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i feel ya on the top 8. it literally destroyed my most recent relationship.

and with respect to burning bridges, i invented the concept. but i dont just burn them, i make sure they are entirely douced in gasoline and light them on fire from each side.

sometimes i feel like im just walking around with my torch setting ablaze that which is all around me. i blame my need for resolution and the last word. if i burn a bridge and/or make someone hate me, well then at least i got resolution.

and with resolution always comes peace. right?

8:25 AM  
Blogger fifi said...

Resolution doesn't always come with peace, but at least it comes with quiet. No more worries of that pesky phone constantly ringing.

The myspace thing is more trivial than what color your shoelaces are, so if you want my advice, quit playing in that giant online popularity contest.

Otherwise, it sounds like you're doing the right thing. I've said it before & I'll say it again, if you wouldn't accept a certain treatment from strangers, why accept it from "friends?"

10:45 AM  

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