I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead; I lift my eyes and all is born again

--Sylvia Plath

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sexless in the city

All things tacky and delicious from my personal experiences in New York.

Monday, October 30, 2006

Your ego's writing checks your body can't cash

Today, I did what I could to avoid gym guy. But, its like he was waiting for me. Normally he sits in his office, and its easy to walk by without him seeing me. Today he was "under the weather" and was sitting in the lobby. As soon as he saw me he beckoned me. He was just giving me small talk because some other guy was there talking to us. Then I scampered away as soon as possible. "Come talk to me when your done" he said. Unfortunately, he saw me as I was leaving and I stopped to talk to him. We couldn't really talk because another person was there. He told me he had the "information" for me. Then told the other person it was a "private thing". I feel like I'm in high school. He talks to me in front of everyone, which baffles me. I would think that he would want to shuffle me under the rug so he can run game on other girls. Whatever. I'm still riding this line between intrigued and disgusted. Though, I'm leaning more toward disgusted.

Anyway, I'm going to the Museum of Sex this weekend. I've also decided to do some volunteer work. I volunteered with an organization called New York Cares and I will either help with some meal delivery stuff or maybe even do some library sorting. Also, I lost a size! or maybe two, hard to tell. I'm back to my "default" size. My goal is a size 6. So, I have bit more to go. I'm at the gym every day. I only take Wednesdays off to watch Lost. Which is kind of sucking this season.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

the contradiction that is diane completely baffles me. only you would be so resistant to having sex, but perfectly willing to take a trip to the sex museum.

i long to understand...

12:05 PM  

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