I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead; I lift my eyes and all is born again

--Sylvia Plath

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sexless in the city

All things tacky and delicious from my personal experiences in New York.

Tuesday, January 02, 2007

I fell in love

I fell in love with a boy during my visit to Cali. I spent the 30th and 31st with him and missed my flight on the 1st because we were spending time together. Which lead to spending more time on the 1st and almost missing my second flight. I knew of him in high school because two of my friends were in love with him. He went on to marry one of them and was married to her for 8 years. 2 kids later, he's single and back on the market. We decided to start out by going to the wretched casino nightclub which is much better on Saturday nights it turns out. We made out like teenagers on my couch while watching Halloween. We laughed about stupid stuff and talked seriously about his previous marriage. He left my house at 7am. The next night, (31st) we went to his friends house and spent time eating, talking, smoking weed and drinking coronas. After we left and went back to my house, we spent the time making out again and talking and laughing. The next morning we were so tired from the night before and we were just laying around and by the time we made it to the airport, my plane had left. So, we spent the rest of the afternoon trying to make out in a movie theatre and eventually in his car in an empty parking lot. It's funny because we are in our late 20's and professionals, and yet it doesn't matter what age you are when you want to be alone with someone. I almost missed my second flight because of the time we spent together, but I did make it. Part of me was extremely sad to leave him. Spending time with him reminded me of the subtle nuances in relationships that I had forgotten. Holding hands on the couch, feeling the warmth of another person's body against mine--all of these things I had forgotten. Of course it will never work. He lives in Southern Cali and is tied to the region because of his children. Of course, I live in New York City and I'm tied to this region because of my career. Only 2 days together and I miss him tremendously.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

i think you may have to come up with a new title for your blog. =)

11:55 PM  

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