A day in Williamsburg
Brooklyn is a big place, and today I dusted off the ole' Honda and took the 10 minute drive to the other side of the world--Williamsburg. Home of the hipsters. Two things brought me to Williamsburg, the Brooklyn Brewery and a southern cooking shack. I went with my co-worker and her husband to meet another co-worker who lives in the neighborhood. We walked 10 blocks to the Brooklyn Brewery to take advantage of the $3 beers. The beer tasted like ass. There's a lot Brooklyn is known for, beer will not be one of them. We got a bit tipsy and walked another 15 blocks to Pies and Thighs. I dropped $19 on fried chicken, baked beans, mac n'cheese, a lemonade and a doughnut. I still can't believe I paid that much. The chicken was good and so was the lemonade, but everything else was eh. I told myself I was paying for the experience. I have to admit, my opinion of Williamsburg has changed, its not the decrepit sugar refinery place I had imagined. Though it is filled with hipsters who dress like homeless people. Since when did it become fashionable to look like southern white trash?
I am sorry I missed a $19 so-so lunch, really. Actually, the only thing I missed was hanging out with that crowd. I refuse to pay that kinda scratch for faux-soul food in NYC. Not when I can cook a southern feast for a crowd on $19.
As for the hipsters, I've spent way too much time pondering that one & still haven't figured it out. I'm just hoping that they soon price themselves out of my neighborhood. Or that their mummies & daddies decide to kick a nice trust fund my way as well.
wow...latinavixen1208, hangin w/ the hipsters. that alone would be worth my $19.
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