I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead; I lift my eyes and all is born again

--Sylvia Plath

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sexless in the city

All things tacky and delicious from my personal experiences in New York.

Wednesday, May 09, 2007

I'm the Girl your Mama Warned you About

Since when did I become the vixen? This is the question I ask myself. I've always considered myself a good girl. The kind of girl you can bring home to mama. I've never had a one night stand. In the past I've been well liked by the mamas of the sons I've dated. Primarily because their sons were scumbags and mama knew they couldn't get any better. I was a college educated girl with no baby daddys or failed marriages. Clearly I was not interested in their son for money.

Recently, I've started to notice a shift in the type of guys I date and their mamas. My ex had a mama from hell. She didn't like me from the beginning. I couldn't figure out why. I have a graduate degree, goals, ambitions, no kids, and no failed marriages. She should want her son to be with an emotionally healthy ambitious woman like myself. I'd take good care of her son.

After a conversation with Cali guy I realized that Cali guy's mom probably wouldn't like me either. She didnt like his ex wife because she felt that she wasn't good enough for her son. She wasn't college educated, she came from a broken home filled with abuse and didnt have a daddy. Okay fine. Based on the criteria, I am totally good enough for her son. But, suddenly I realized that I'm the vixen. She'll take one look at me and know her son wants to do me doggy style in the back of her minivan. And of course its my fault. Sorry mama, I can't help it if your son likes to fuck me. Maybe it would make you feel better if you knew I made more money than him. Then you would know I'm not in it for the cash.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

see, now THAT was a good blog. witty, topical and relevent. thank you.

and ps: no mama will ever think you are good enough for her little boy. thats just how mamas are.

12:58 PM  
Blogger fifi said...

You were the vixen the day you were born -- you just had to discover it, darling. That's th way we hussies roll. You should take one of these tops for a spin: http://lochers.com/collection11.html. Cali guy's mom wouldn't be able to help her immediate approval.

3:27 PM  

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