A fool no more
So, it took a few days to post the latest and final installment of the mini-series that was Chris and I. I ended up calling him Monday to find out that his tone and mannerisms were all different. He finally admit to me that he was going to pursue a "strong connection" with a girl from high school, and did I remember her he asked. Well yes Chris, I do in fact remember her. I remember her being dorky looking and slightly dumpy. I cannot imagine that 10 years later and a 10 year old daughter later that life has been kind to her looks and I'm quite sure her career is secure at some administrative job or burger king management. So, once again, I have been "left" for someone waaay less than me.
The next day I had a therapy session and my therapist laid it all out for me. She told me that men like him who haven't accomplished what I have in my life will always seek to be with women they can feel like a man to. She said he wasn't strong enough to have someone like me. My accomplishments will always overshadow his. She also said that he will most likely seek women who are unattractive because his wife cheated on him. She said that he may not even realize these things but that he just feels different with lesser girls. So that's the end of the saga. It turns out I can't compete with a dumpy single mom with no career. Her advice to me: only date men with the same professional and educational status and once they stop trying to make it work, abandon them. She also said to take men at face value. If they say "I dont ever want to get married" then say goodbye. And though this sounds like common sense, these simple words have dramatically changed the way I look at dating now.
So, I've decided to handle this situation differently. I will not sulk or mope. I can't. I'm not going to feel bad that I'm a youngish smart professional with great tits. Instead, I've decided to date. And date a lot. Nothing serious, but I think I just need an injection of reality. The reality that there are smart and driven men out there. Still scumbags I'm sure. So, last night I signed up for e-Harmony. And I was hopeful.
Until I saw my matches. 8 people were matched to me. All dorks. The lot of them. One was 5'5''. I don't do guys under 6'0. One of them was 36. Come on NYC, you gotta have more than this. None of them were attractive. Many of them had really lame names like "Spencer, Gene and Ralph". Ralph was from Staten Island. I don't do Staten Island. I know I sound picky for someone who has dated scumbags, but shit, I'm paying 60 dollars for this shit, get it right. I was hoping to sort of hang out with someone this weekend, but judging from what I saw, I don't think so.
"I'm not going to feel bad that I'm a youngish smart professional with great tits."
I'm sorry, but that was the best line ever in a blog. Perhaps even ever period.
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