I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead; I lift my eyes and all is born again

--Sylvia Plath

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sexless in the city

All things tacky and delicious from my personal experiences in New York.

Sunday, June 03, 2007

Career Talk

This weekend I hung out on Friday with my neighbor/co-worker/BFF at her house. We drank about 2.5 bottles of wine between the both of us. She got me thinking a lot about my current position at the agency I work at. I'll be working at my agency for 9 months in June. I am a user interface designer, but I have only worked on 3 or 4 projects in which I have aided in designing interfaces. The rest of the time I wrote documents and sat on my ass reading blogs and IMing all day. Part of the reason for this is because the projects that I have been working have gone on hold. When that happens, I literally have nothing to do. After speaking to my manager, he told me that I came at a weird time for projects. Long story short, my friend doesn't think I'm getting what I need at this agency, and quite frankly neither do I. I had expected to learn a lot more by this time than I have. So, I think its time to build my portfolio, and I'm going to start shopping around to other agencies and places that I think I can build more skill. It may turn out this place I stay, but I'm going to check out my options.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

coincidence that you're re-evaluating your career and opening up to "other agncies" after deciding to give it another go with Chris?

6:07 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

agncies = agencies

it's early AND Monday! forgive me lol

6:08 AM  
Blogger cherie said...

No, not coincidence at all. I think when you've been sitting on your bum for the better half of 9 months not doing anything, and still unsure if this career is the right path, it seems like a good idea. If you refer to some of my pre-Chris posts, I have continually wrestled with whether or not this is the right career for me. I'm starting to wonder if its just the agency I work at. Additionally, when I say "give it a go" with Chris, I actually meant that I was going to still remain friends with him, but I've taken a few steps back in light of our conversation. I care about him, but if he is no longer in my life, that's okay too. I just have a new perspective on this situation. I also want to point out that Chris lives in Socal, and I was planning on applying in Norcal which is about 8 hours away by car. Not exactly close.

7:21 AM  
Blogger fifi said...

Now there's something I can definitely get on board with. Yes, you should definitely have learned more about interaction design in the last 9 months than you've learned there. And you know I think it's a very unhealthy environment, between the rampant alcoholoism & everyone cliquing up like middle-schoolers. Of course, if it weren't for that hellhole, you & I never would've met, so it has its benefits. Now that you've gotten good friends & no work out of it, leave it in the dust.

You can do better.

4:11 PM  

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