I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead; I lift my eyes and all is born again

--Sylvia Plath

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sexless in the city

All things tacky and delicious from my personal experiences in New York.

Tuesday, June 12, 2007

What would a New Yorker do?

So I was half sleeping on the express train to work the other day when suddenly this woman says, "Ma'am there's something in your hair" to the girl sitting next me. The girl looked confused and started brushing her hair, and in her stark blonde hair was a huge black wasp. That muthafucker was huge! She got up and started to brush her hair with her finger and she asked me if it was off. "It's right there" I said. She then started to brush it in my direction. "Oh no, not here" I said to her. It was sort of a snippy comment, but I was afraid it would land on me. She eventually got it out and it flew to another part of the train. After I got off the train, this random guy came up to me and said "That was classic what you said to that girl. That was so funny." Only in New York can you get rewarded for bad behavior. What would a New Yorker do? Just the opposite of what Jesus would do.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

well we have just brought the self-rightousness to a whole new level. suddenly new yorkers are being compared to jesus. i really think its time for you to come back to cali.

and thank you for sharing that gem of a story. i invisioned the entire thing in my mind. classic.

i also have to share my verification word with you because i find it to be priceless: lhvcok

and no, im not even joking. i dont think i could have made that up had i tried. especially since i dont really even "love" cock per se. i just sort of like it.

ok, time for bed. i am delerious. i dont even think i spelled that word right, but i dont give a fuck.

9:49 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

now that i think of it...perhaps i should get THAT on my license plate: LHVCOK

i love it when insipiration "cums" by accident.


9:52 PM  
Blogger fifi said...

The other day I had lunch with a friend, and as we parted ways by my subway entrance, I said to her, "Don't tell anyone I said 'Hi,'" which got a few right-ons from ladies who were also headed to the subway. Then I beat them up & threw them on the tracks of the oncoming train. THAT'S what New Yorkers do.

And oh yeah, I heart cock.

9:55 AM  

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