How am I supposed to be positive when I don't see shit positive
No truer words have been spoken. Thank you Eminem. I had the urge yesterday to run into a field and scream until I couldn't scream anymore. I realize that its absurd that I can be so unhappy. To tell you the truth, I'm not really sure why I'm so unhappy. The architecture of my life is great. I have a career and I live in one of the most amazing cities in the world. Yet, I'm not happy. Not at all. In fact I'm frustrated and completely alone. I know there are others out there who have so much to truly be unhappy about, and I realize that my whining doesn't change anything except piss the few readers I have off. Something has to change, or maybe I do.
I found when you need to scream like that. It works best to hold a pillow over your mouth or jump into a pool of water and scream underneath. I know you are afraid of water so the pillow is prob your best bet!
personally, i think you just need to calm the fuck down. your unhappiness is just getting worse because you keep obsessing over it. you are taking steps to make your life better. let that be where you find solace. let that be enough right now.
beat a homeless guy with that pillow - that's what i always do. doesn't make me feel any better, but sometimes they laugh.
seriously, i know you're depressed & i wish there was more i could do to help. you've gotta do whatever it is you've gotta do to try to get happy -- wherever you live, even if that's not here in ny.
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