I shut my eyes and all the world drops dead; I lift my eyes and all is born again

--Sylvia Plath

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sexless in the city

All things tacky and delicious from my personal experiences in New York.

Monday, September 03, 2007


I decided that I didn't want to stay at home on Labor Day, so I gave Fifi a ring. We had ice cream at the Brooklyn Ice Cream Factory, the best ice cream in New York. Afterwards we walked over the Brooklyn Bridge. From there we took a short break and walked over to the Lower Eastside. The LES is everything you'd expect from New York City. The smell of Dominican food wafted through the air. Trendy bars and graffitied walls shared the same space. There was Spanish music playing and there was Puerto Ricans and Dominicans hanging outside amongst the hipsters and lesbians. It was so overwhelming. It was the New York of my imagination. After walking forever, we found a Dominican restaurant and had a really awesome meal. I was exhausted by the time I got home. Ah New York, you still amaze me.


Blogger fifi said...

That was such a fun day. I loved every minute of it. Check out the sexy ladies struttin' their stuff on my blog.

By the way, the walk *after* the bridge was almost 5 miles -- no wonder my dogs were so tired when I got home. How are your pedies?

7:16 PM  

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