Let's talk about friends shall we? While I was in the bay area, I met with a friend of mine whose wedding I was in last year. We had a bit of a fallout having to do with my stupid behavior. Nothing huge, but it caused a bit of drama between us. As a result, we haven't really talked since then. Until recently. I wanted to meet with her while I was up in San Jose, because she lives there. We made a plan, and had drinks. It was slightly awkward. We had some things to talk about because it had been a while. I spoke about my interviews and career. She spoke about getting knocked up in a year and wanting to be a mother. Let's put it this way, if this had been a first date, I wouldn't have called back for a second.
Which brings me to another point. I have a friend who has been knocked up twice, is married, and lives in the heart of the South. Yet, I repeatedly call her back for more dates. I can't get enough of her. If we were dating, I'd be jocking her big time. So, I can't really attribute my bad friend-date to "drifting apart". So, I'm left wondering what makes some people friends for the long haul and others not? My friend in the South never calls me. But, I don't mind at all. I have people who call me a friend and never pick up the phone, which is total bullshit. I have friends I rarely call, but when I talk to them its like no time has passed at all. I think it would be fair to say that most of friends are not at all in the same place in their lives as I am, and yet we are still close.
I make very clearly definitions between friendship and acquaintances and I am a believer that one cannot ever truly be friends with their ex. Last night, after going to a gallery opening, I launched into a conversation about my greedy vagina who loves big dicks. Could I really say this to an ex? No. But then again, they already know what my vagina loves...