At the risk of sounding like a 16 year old horny sophmore, I need to post about the wonders of myspace and why it is more than just another place on the web to congegrate with child molesters and stalkers. I live 3000 miles away from home. Many of my friends dont even live there anymore, they are sprinkled all over the usa now, and we are in different timezones with different cell phone plans. Many of them are students and dont have free time to catch up on life. So myspace works as a friendship management system for me. I've been able to catch up on old friends and learn that a few boys in high school had a crush on me. Thanks for waiting this long to tell me!
Most of the communication between my friends and I take place through sending each other messages and posting random comments on each other's pages. I have so much fun reading the horrendous comments and hilarious pictures that people leave me on my comment board. Its a constant reminder of how fantastic my friends are (yes, even the glitter graphics). An added bonus of myspace is that it is fairly customizable. of course, for those who are not web savvy, you can generate a horrendous background and color scheme and use font no one can read for your page. Or if you know some css and basic html, you can copy and tweak code that someone has been graciously willing to share. Add a few photoshop pics to personalize the page and its all you.
Myspace music. lately I have a regimen, I use pandora to find super awesome music and when I hear a band I like, I immediately go to myspace and see if they are there. Usually they are, and I can sample the music and see if it was just one song that was good. I dont use the videos feature, and quite frankly I'm not a youtuber. Mostly because the youtubes I've seen has revolved around some pimply teenagers singing or rocking out in their room. Boring. So, i dont really care for videos.
now the gripes...
It takes too fing long to load! Yes, there are millions of people on at once that is probably why. Fix it! From a ui perspective, the error messaging and random errors that occur are hard to interpret. Sometimes they are red in small text, sometimes its in black text. I've developed a habit of copying every email i send, because theres an 85% chance there will be an error in sending it. The blogging feature I only use when i need to make an important announcement to the world. The blog itself is a little confusing to get around from the dashboard page.
Its also nice to peep into the window of someone's life and be like, "dang, she got a kid already and she married that guy?!
Check this girl, bgirl jess she's really good. I've never done a pullup or a cartwheel in my life. Both of which are done in breakdancing.